Jill Alexander Essbaum
Jill Alexander Essbaum is the author of Heaven (University Press of New England, 2000), Oh Forbidden (Pecan Grove Press, 2005), Necropolis (NeoNuma Arts, 2007) and The Devastation (Cooper Dillon Books, 2009). Her work has appeared in The Christian Century, The National Poetry Review, 42opus, No Tell Motel, MiPOesias, Poetry, Rhino, and other publications.
Jill cites the following artists as indelible influences: Simon Armitage, A.E. Stallings, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Dorothy Parker, John Bunyan, Vassar Miller, and Nick Cave.
Her poem "On Reading Poorly Transcribed Erotica" appears in No Tell Motel and was anthologized in The Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel and The Best American Erotic Poems (Scribner 2008, edited by David Lehman).
Jill is an instructor in the UCR-Palm Desert Low Residency MFA program. She lives in Austin, Texas.
Harlot (October 2007)