Shy Green Fields
by Hugh Behm-Steinberg
ISBN: 978-0-6151-6133-4
Publication Date: October, 2007
114 pages
Available at Lulu for $12.75 (15%!d(MISSING)iscount)
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What People are Saying about Shy Green Fields:
Hugh Behm-Steinberg’s Shy Green Fields is in company with books by poets who wrote about glorious ordinary days in extraordinary times. In a pillowbook of a hundred seven-line poems, this life, as it is written, has the shadow of Robert Creeley’s A Day Book behind it, and the shadow of Federico Lorca in his famous, reiterated line, “Green, I love you, green, …” a specific, and pacific, emotional response in difficult political times. Behm-Steinberg’s book is, likewise, carnal, primal, and intellectual. Shy Green Fields exults in experience, “Such versions!”
— Jane Miller
“How we were loved, or what we try to.” The tenderness here is moving and exemplary. Shy Green Fields traces the space between self and other, the silences within the voice, with tenacity and precision. An impressive poetic debut.
— Joseph Lease
Hugh Behm-Steinberg continues to be one of our most interesting and fearless new poets. These tone poems work with the formal compression utterly suited to his subject of marital love. The body of the poem and the body of love share their limits and joys. His work deserves wide readership and I celebrate this arrival.
— Alison Hawthorne Deming
from Shy Green Fields
Significances. A man with his mouth open.
Me saying o. Aloes, scales and fens. The eye
it skims over these things. We used to sit.
I will never ruin this. I will have four means
to find me, and let the stories pour, from kindness
is the prayer call. You know what you can do.
Asleep in shy green fields, rolling into you.